NAHB Professional Women in Building is the premier professional organization that provides strategies and solutions for professional women in the building industry. PWB provides women in the building industry with the professional advantage necessary to succeed and excel and gives women who are members of our council many opportunities for leadership at the regional and national levels. It provides networking and educational opportunities, legislative awareness and outreach, and professional and personal development.
Morgan Coolidge, Westwood HS
Mykenzie Brown, Westwood HS
Amanda Matznick, Westwood HS
Pictures on the right:
Jackie Martin, PWB Vice President, Morgan Coolidge, Jessica LaFave, PWB President
Jackie Martin, MyKenzie Brown, Jessica LaFave
Not Pictured: Amanda Matznick
Jackie Martin, Barrier Free Store
Heidi Jaykka, SEMCO
Krissy Main, The Window Store
Tonia Lintula, Trudell Plumbing and Heating
The PWB was the HBA’s 2016 and 2018 charity pick for the UP Builders Show! Below left to right for the check presentation: HBA past Board Member Mike Hill, HBA Immediate Past President Josh Bal and PWB Secretary Erin Swadley.